Four weeks and a total of 113 participant recipes later, here we are at our big 4 week check in! I can tell you I’ve loved every minute of seeing what these ladies have done this month, each one of them having already accomplished so much and, lucky me, I get to hear all about it and pass it on to you! It’s been so fun seeing each of them try new things and get so excited about the meals they now can make with their food storage!
Drum roll please (enter spiffy new logo)…
Starting off, we still have two weekly prizes to be awarded for week #4. Since I’ll be going in to what each participant has made in greater detail later on, this portion of the spotlight will be brief.
Three weeks in a row now, Paula takes it home, but it wasn’t without a close race. In fact, the participant just behind her was only 5 points away! To do it this week, she bumped her total points up (yet again) by making a total of 14 recipes and earning 120 points! Great job, Paula!
This week, thanks to Thrive Rep Martine Anthony, a great collection of Thrive products including three pantry sized cans of butter powder, HER CHOICE of freeze dried cheese (either cheddar or mozzarella) and a can of freeze dried Ground Beef!!
Our Rafflecopter winner this week, winning the $40.00 H20 ResQ Water Treatment Kit from Water Pure Technologies, is Karen Hall! And just in case you were wondering, the winning entry drawn was one she got for commenting on the blog about what she was planning to make last week! Commenting on what your planning to make is worth 10 BIG entries, so be sure to do some planning and jump in on this raffle!
Here’s the link to enter this coming week’s Rafflecopter drawing. You have another chance this week to win this great water treatment kit by doing a number of things which will either help you in getting ready to cook, or will simply help out in supporting the contest!
Overall standings…
Introducing our current top 5 and what they’ve each done in the four weeks since we started! I’ve put every recipe they’ve each made over the past 4 weeks into separate a document, including any links to see their recipes, just underneath their pictures and stats.
Remember, many of these links are for “normal” everyday meals (not food storage) but for the contest they’ve been given a recipe make-over by our contestants, having substituted shelf-stable equivalent ingredients in for the fresh, to make them 100% food storage recipes.
Just seeing what these ladies have made should be helpful to anyone following the contest, whether you join in or not, as yet another resource of what can be made with food storage!
(*note– I ran out of time and wasn’t able to copy and paste all of the participant’s own food storage adjusted family recipes into the docs, I’ll add the ones that are missing as soon as I can.)
In first postition right now…
Paula, you’ve done absolutely fantastic! You deserve every prize you’ve won so far!!
Paula Herron’s Recipes weeks 1-4
Next up, currently in second place…
Great job, Amanda! Remember, Amanda is blogging HERE in case you’d like to see more of what she’s been up to during this contest!
Amanda Shulz’s Recipes weeks 1-4
In third place...
Super job here, Barbara!
Oh, and one thing I forgot to mention the first week of the race was how Barbara used her WonderMill hand grain mill to puree her wet ingredients. Here in the collage you’ll see she’s pureeing canned corn for the homemade corn tortillas she’s making using her hand grain mill. I was really interested to see this because I’d never even thought of doing that! So for those who already own this model, there’s another idea for you.
Barbara Cortopassi’s Recipes weeks 1-4
In fourth place (who btw just joined us this week and was only 5 points away from Paula’s 120 point score) made nearly every recipe this week using a non-electric alternative cooking source. Dutch Oven, Rocket Stove, Propane Grill and Wonder Oven — all of the above. Welcome Karen!
Karen Hall’s Recipes week’s 1-4
Finally, our 5th participant, Vicki. This woman has a tremendous amount of heart and beyond participating here in the contest is extremely busy organizing a group of more than 20 people where she lives in Georgia, who are all ready and excited to sew wonder ovens this month! She’s catching others on fire about preparedness and it’s so fun to hear about it.
Vicki Davis’s Recipes weeks 1-4
What a great month you’ve each put in!
Looking toward the overall prizes…
This week in the post I’m featuring the overall prizes (what you have to look forward to), a little about them and their sponsors!
4th overall finalist prize
from KellyKettle USA!
Third overall finalist prize & sponsor
Preparedness Plus Products LLC
The third overall prize has been sponsored by Preparedness Plus Products LLC. You can find them on the web at They’ve offered a $139.00 Saratoga Jacks Thermal Cooker as well as their exclusive $69.00 Mix-A-Meal Powdered Flavorings Kit here for the third place winner. The Mix-A-Meal Cookbook is published through their sister company and this kit has been designed with that approach in mind bringing flavor and interest to any meal. Sounds like fun, huh?
Here are a couple of things about them that you may not have known…
2nd overall finalist prize…
from WonderMill Grain…
And finally, our Grand Prize…
Hi everyone,
Thanks for your encouragement! You all have inspired me!
Wow, Karen, what a great first week! I have been so impressed with everyone’s hard work and am looking forward to trying some of your recipes! This week, I am trying to focus on something new. I will be trying out some recipes with freeze dried hamburger. Up until now, I’ve only used canned chicken. I want to make Hamburger Soup and Hamburger Stroganoff. I am also going to try and make yogurt to add to those dishes. Wish me luck!
Guess I better add some granola to that!
I emailed you some contest questions.
thank you!
Oh Wow! I’m happy that I won . Congratulations to each and every participant and all the hard work they are doing! Lots and lots of THANKS to you Megan for providing this opportunity to all of us. What fun I am having, gonna have to watch out for Karen,hehehe! Love what she did with her First week and looking forward to what she does this week. Happy cooking ya’ll.
Haha, well you have a pretty novice host here…I realized this morning that I’d accidentally announced that you won the wrong prize! You actually won a Thrive pantry can prize trio this week, the EE package is set up for this next coming week. It’s fixed now but I’m pretty sure I’ve confused some people
Congratulations Paula! Way to go Amanda and Barbara! You are all pushing the rest of us to higher levels!!
Thank you Megan! I’m so excited I won the rafflecopter water treatment gift!!
I had to take a day off work to finish cooking, figure out how to email pictures, document everything and try to catch up with you all!! Thank you Megan for this amazing learning opportunity!!
Oh, you’re welcome!! I’m so glad you won it too. You really took control of your week this week making things happen!