You get to hear my reviews on recipes and books all the time…now I want to hear YOURS!
If you’re serious about wanting to cook with your food storage and along the way willing to try a few new recipes on your family, then you could get a FREE copy of the ($28) pantry meal-styled “Soup in a Bag” by Pam Emick!!
Leave me a comment if you’re willing to be a tester! I’m looking for THREE readers who would each be willing to try at least THREE recipes from this book (you choose what you make) before May 10th. Your review, combined with the others, will be posted Monday, May 13th.
Remember, we want to hear what you (and your family) really think! We’ll also want to “see” what you’ve made, so please be willing to submit one picture for each recipe you try. This coming Friday (5pm CT) I’ll announce who the books will be sent off to, so if you comment be sure to check back since I’ll need you to send me your mailing address (US shipping only please).
Happy (free give away time) prepping!
I had posted it to th already but wasn’t sure if it counted lol I’d love to be a tester we love to try new stuff esp. If I can make it shelf stable also
Thank you all SO MUCH for entering! Choosing was so hard, I wish I could afford to hand out books to everyone! Here are the winners (or those with a new April project, depending on how you look at it):
Julene (Preparetodaynewsletter) who wrote: “This is right up my alley. I left a comment on fb but wanted to make sure you saw it here as well. I need some new recipes that use my food storage and I love to review what I make. Sign me up!”
Kat Skeers who commented: “I would love to test recipes, and promise to test at least three if I win! I live in a multi generational household (Grandma [me], two moms and an aunt, two 7 year olds and an infant) of picky eaters. Your website has been a lifesaver for me, and it would give me great joy to be able to help you out for a change.”
and Le Gay who wrote: “I get together with a couple of lovely ladies each month to try out food storage recipes. I’m always on the lookout for something new. I would love to give this a try!”
Thank you again! We’ll all look forward to hearing the reviews you have for us in May!
Yaaay! And I look forward to seeing the results and comments of those who have used my book! I will post the winner’s photographs as appropriate and their results on my blog!
not sure if my comment posted so once more to be sure!
I would love to be a tester!
sellcrystal2 at yahoo dot com
Would love to be a tester!
sellcrystal2 at yahoo dot com
I just found your website and am very interested in trying your soup recipes…my kids are adopted from Haiti and love new things to try…please pick me to try your new recipes….I will give it a fair trial…
I am looking for more soup recipes and definitely making them from food storage. I would like to be a tester.
I love to cook and try new recipes and ingredients.. this would be a great chance to do this!
I would love to be a tester of some of your recipes. I have a real passion for cooking delicious, healthy food. Please oh please pick me. I just found out about your blog and look forward to following it.
Oh, my! I love soup so this would be terrific if you choose me as a tester.
I get together with a couple of lovely ladies each month to try out food storage recipes. I’m always on the lookout for something new. I would love to give this a try!
I live with my daughter’s family, and we are always willing to try new recipes. My daughter and I both love to cook, and we especially love soup so this seems to be right down our alley.
I’d love to try some soup recipes out on my family. Sounds like fun.
I would be willing to cook some soup and comply with photos and comments. Judy Frazier
I would love to try out the recipes for you. I’m always looking for easy and fast cooking ideas using our food storage!
Yes, I would be willing to have my family taste test for you. They love to try new things and my husband has finally had his eyes opened to having make ahead items in the home.
I would love to test recipes, and promise to test at least three if I win! I live in a multi generational household (Grandma [me], two moms and an aunt, 2 7 year olds and an infant) of picky eaters. Your website has been a lifesaver for me, and it would give me great joy to be able to help you out for a change.
Me! Me! I too have picky eaters, including my husband! Would love to test some out for you.
I love to learn new things. I’d love to be a tester!
Sign me up….
I am soooo excited to try this book. I’m really happy about learning to use my food storaga and am so appreciative of your efforts to help us all. Thank you! Cathie
your site is very interesting and helpful in preparing and cooking good food for my food storage. I teach food storage classes at church and use your ideas and receipes in my lessons. Right now I am working on meals in a jar for the spanish ward in our stake to teach on the 11 or april. I am also working on a low sodium receipe from the whisk bliss idea that is easy and availabe to make with your storage. I would love to try the soup in a bag ideas! Keep me in mind for one of your testers. I look forward to the comments on these reciepes. thanks
I have recently bought the 90 day pantry cookbook, It’s In the Bag… and we have made recipes out of both and loved them and this method to diversify our food storage. I would love to try the new cookbook and see what yummy recipes we could add to diversify what we are doing!
Oh I’d LOVE to do this! I’ve got 4 little girls (ages 3, 5, 6, and 8) some are very picky eaters and this would be awesome to taste test and try out!
Count me in!! I want to try it!
This is right up my alley. I left a comment on fb but wanted to make sure you saw it here as well. I need some new recipes that use my food storage and I love to review what I make. Sign me up
Me! I would LOVE to be a tester!
My family is willing and able to try the recipes. My folks come over and my Mom and I try new recipes about twice a month at least. Easter was a pitch in of We Pinned It And Made It fun.
I would love to try new recipes,,,,
Every week we try out new recipes and rate them for future use. Would love to be a tester! THANKS! Tamara