Quinoa Cakes

Cooking with grains, Vegetarian

Print the recipe page!  quinoa cakes Today’s recipe was adapted from this Quinoa Burger recipe.  To my son and husband the name “burger” equates to something containing meat so we’re re-naming them “Quinoa Cakes” to make them happy.  Whatever they’re called, I’ll tell you what, I could eat these all day!   I’m thinking {now […]

February 6, 2013

Guilt-Free Macaroni & Cheese

Pantry Meal, Vegetarian

Print the recipe page!  guilt-free macaroni and cheese If I’m going to go to the work of chasing down bulk amounts of ingredients, spend a lot of hard saved money and then find places in my home to store all these ingredients, you’d better believe I have a priority list of criteria my storable recipes […]

December 8, 2012

Pigs in a Blanket

Pork, Sun Oven, Vegetarian

Print the recipe card!     pigs in a blanket Here’s another idea using the Hot Ham Roll’s biscuit mix.  My five year old loves that he makes this dinner 90% “by himself”.   It’s a perfect kid helper meal;  the kids have fun making pig families of all sizes and wrapping them up in their doughy […]

November 27, 2012