“Everything” Chinese Noodles

Accompanying recipes, Snacks

Print the recipe page!  everything chinese noodles What a fun recipe!  You’re going to just love this one!  From Lauren Groveman’s Kitchen, these noodles are going to rock your Asian menus in salads, appetizers and main dishes.   Paired with her homemade Duck Sauce (I adapted it here to be pantry friendly) there’s just so many […]

May 19, 2012

Homemade Saltine Crackers


Print the recipe card!  homemade saltine crackers How about some saltine crackers to go with your soup?  This recipe is so simple!  With basic ingredients, including just 4 cups of flour, you can make *a lot* of saltines (dare I say, more than comes in the box from the store?) and, unlike store bought, you […]

May 17, 2012

Perfect Stovetop Popped Popcorn


Just a short little technique tip here.  Most anyone who’s tried popping popcorn on the stove has (at some point) wound up scorching the popcorn on the bottom of the pot while at the same time leaving other kernals unpopped altogether. Since my electric popcorn popper depends on just that, electricity, I wanted to learn […]

March 31, 2012

Homemade Cool Ranch Doritos


Print the recipe page!  homemade cool ranch doritos There’s a blogger out in cyberspace (link here) who deserves a huge applause for testing and figuring out this chip’s seasoning recipe.  It’s great!  Combined with homemade tortilla chips (made easily w/all food storage ingredients) I can confidently now persuade my kids and husband away from buying […]

March 24, 2012