Graham Crackers


Print the recipe card!  graham crackers

Are you looking for something 100% whole wheat that your kids will love?  Graham crackers will do it!  This recipe was shared (and loved) by my friend Sherida, if you haven’t swung over to her blog yet you can find it here.  Feel free to half this giant recipe (it’s actually a double recipe anyway) — when I make these I like to make a lot!  They go into our snack cupboard and through the week it’s great hearing my kids request something for snacking that’s 100% whole wheat (shhh…don’t tell!).

Besides that, these crackers can be used in a number of recipes after they’re made.   In next Wednesday’s post you’ll get to see what some from this batch were made into!

Makes 10 dozen crackers

Prep time:  30 min (*if using a pasta press to roll out the dough.  See note.)


1 can evaporated milk (1 cup required for recipe)

1 cup water

4 TBS lemon juice

2 cups brown sugar

1 cup honey

2 cups oil

4 tsp. vanilla

4 TBS egg powder + 1/2 cup water

2 tsp. salt

2 tsp. baking soda

13 cups whole wheat flour, sifted

cinnamon and sugar (for topping)


In a bowl, mix together the milk, water and lemon juice and set aside.  In a separate bowl whisk together egg powder and water.  To the egg mixture add the brown sugar, oil, honey and vanilla.  In a very large bowl combine flour, baking soda and salt.  Add both liquid mixtures to the flour mixture and stir well to combine.

Grease and flour a cookie sheet.  Roll dough out very thin using either a hand rolling pin or a manual crank pasta maker (*see note).  Trim edges and cut dough into rectangular cracker shapes using a pastry wheel.  Prick each cracker with a fork and sprinkle all with cinnamon sugar.  Bake at 350 for 7-8 minutes until just golden brown, being very careful not to over bake.  The crackers will be soft when taken out but will harden quickly after.

Combine milk, water and lemon juice.  Separately, whisk together egg mixture.

To the egg mixture add brown sugar, oil, honey and vanilla.

In a large bowl combine flour, baking soda and salt.  To that, add both liquid mixtures.

Grease and flour a cookie sheet.  Roll dough very thin.

Using a pasta wheel, trim edges and cut dough into rectangular cracker shapes.  Prick each cracker and sprinkle with cinnamon sugar.

Bake at 350 for 7-8 minutes.




  • Another variation:  cut the dough into bite -sized squares to make into grahams breakfast cereal! Yum!
  • To store my brown sugar I vacuum pack it into pint sized jars, 2 cups to a jar.  For this recipe that’s exactly the amount needed.
  • Rolling the dough thin is what takes the longest in this recipe.  If it’s too thick when you bake it you’ll end up with graham cracker cake!  You can cut this prep time in half by using a pasta press to roll out the dough.  Forming the dough into a flat patty in your hands, begin pressing at “1” and press to a “3” for crackers that are the thickness pictured or a “5” thickness for a very thin and crisp cracker.  It’s much quicker!  After rolling out separate portions of dough, use your hand rolling pin to roll them together on the cookie sheet.  (If you choose to go this route, it’s important that your wheat be sifted thoroughly since a single kernel of wheat passing through the pasta press will tear all the dough that’s been pressed.)

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5 Replies to “Graham Crackers”

  1. Loved your class today and am loving your website! Thank you for sharing all of this knowledge! I am really excited to try out so many yummy recipes here

  2. *Consider this a comment for every page I’ve seen so far and I will see*

    OH MY GOODNESS! You are amazing! Long Term AND 3 month adjustments with one recipe! Talk about creating ease with family when the lights go out. This creates continuity in crisis and that is powerful.

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