Wonder Oven Cooking

Wonder Oven 101: Cooking Meat

Print the instruction card!  wonder oven cooking meat Quick little detour today from long term cooking to show you a low fuel cooking option involving one of my favorite wonders of the world…my Wonder Oven!  One thing I just love using it for is cooking meat.  It’s simple to do, cooks the meat perfectly tender […]

Bread, Sun Oven

Baking Bread in a Sun Oven

One of my goals this month has been to nail down a better method (yielding a better end result) in baking bread using my sun oven. It’s not too much to ask — a browned crust and lovely bread is all I want. After searching the internet for ideas and testing them out

Wonder Oven Cooking

My Kind of Wonder Bread

Print the instruction card!  Making Bread in a Wonder Oven I love my wonder ovens, I keep two sets of them handy for everyday use and I currently have six other sets put away for our preps (for their usefulness if we didn’t have power).  They’re essential, in my opinion, in being able to cook […]