Dry Veggie Powder Mixes

Cooking with Jennine, Pantry Meal, Snacks

Print the recipe card!  dry veggie powder mixes Condiments and seasonings go a long way towards adding variety and interest to your food storage, but buying commercial jars and mix packets can get really expensive and nibble away at your real food budget. I stumbled on this homemade version when I was figuring out new […]

July 27, 2012

Homemade “Pringles”

Cooking with Jennine, Snacks

Print the recipe card!  homemade pringles Switching gears… Thanks to a very gracious reader, Jennine in Alaska, our food storage journey continues while I’m out of commission July and August!     If you’re a comment reader, you’ve probably noticed her comments along the way here on the blog as Plickety Cat;  she’s got a […]

June 30, 2012

Baked BBQ Potato Chips


Print the recipe card! baked bbq potato chips Apologies for last week’s recipe hiatus…reality hit with all my kids being home for the summer (combined with the slower pregnancy “waddle” I’m up to these days) and my kitchen play time/blogging just didn’t happen.  I’m adjusting my blog schedule for now to a more manageable single post […]

June 14, 2012

Homemade “Oatmeal Squares” Cereal

Breakfast, Cooking with grains, Snacks

Print the recipe card!  homemade oatmeal squares cereal After trials and bumps along the way this cereal recipe is finally ready to share!  Launched from a cold cereal recipe given in “A Bite of Independance Through Self Sufficiency” it uses wheat starch as a binder, an ingredient I’d never known is used in making cereals. […]

June 2, 2012