Pot Stickers

Homemade Pasta, Pork

Print the recipe page!  pot stickers Never again will I buy these delectable treats!  Seriously.  These were *easy* to make, a little time consuming when it came to filling them, but the process itself was not complicated at all.  And the best part… they were fantastic even using 100% food storage ingredients!  They’re definitely going […]

January 25, 2012

Italian Polenta Bake

Polenta, Pork

Print the recipe card!  italian polenta bake Give polenta a try!  It’s something different /easy to make and requires basic ingredients that can be stored.  You can add anything you like to it from mushrooms to broccoli to herbs and cheese, or you can choose to keep it plain and simple as a base for […]

December 7, 2011


Pork, Sun Oven

Print the recipe page!  pizza Let the joyous news be spread,  pizza is on the menu as a food storage and sun oven meal!! A little history.  I’d never considered pizza as a food storage recipe until Karen from www. kneadfulthingsnow.com talked about it here.   I know I rave about her a lot.  The funny […]

October 5, 2011

Balsamic Tortellini

Pantry Meal, Pork

Print the recipe card!  balsamic tortellini It’s hard not to love this one.  It’s super yummy and takes less than five minutes prep time to make.  In fact, the extent of your effort will be to boil a pot of water… you’ve gotta love that!  On top of that, those you prepare it for will […]

September 30, 2011