Pantry Made Cream Butter

Accompanying recipes, equipment and supplies

The biggest “test” for this Heavy Cream Powder, to me,  was whether or not it could make butter and whether the butter (if it made any) would melt.  I wanted to find out what this stuff was made out of.  The container claims it’s a product with 72% butterfat…pretty unbelievable to me.  Making butter would […]

January 12, 2013

My $180 lesson

equipment and supplies, Wonder Oven Cooking

We all know the simplest ideas are usually the best.  Unfortunately, figuring out what’s simple (and best) isn’t always so simple.  After a long road, I’ve finally found the simplest, cheapest and best container for making bread in a Wonder Oven.   If you’ve already read the step by step “how to” of making bread […]

November 14, 2012

Ultimate Cast Iron Seasoning

equipment and supplies

I love my cast iron pans but dislike the continual need to re-season them.  In fact, I find myself not using them unless I really need to because of the upkeep afterward.  Sure enough, someone figured out a solution for me… This method, developed by blogger Sheryl Canter, is a one time treatment that promises […]

October 6, 2012