Homemade Twinkies


Print the recipe page!  homemade twinkies Making homemade twinkies seemed appropriate after news of Hostess closing it’s doors.  Never fear!  Just as you were wondering what the world must be coming to, twinkies live on! These are fun treats to make!  I based my cake and frosting recipes off of the two top recipes from […]

November 17, 2012

Salt Water Taffy


Print the recipe page!  salt water taffy My kids and I have had a ball learning how to make taffy this month!  After trying a number of batches and learning what works along the way, this one from Paula Deen is the one we’re keeping and adding to our food storage cookbook.    Now that we’ve […]

September 29, 2012

Homemade Marshmallows


Print the recipe page! (revised per comments) homemade marshmallows 1 You won’t believe how easy these are to make!  Marshmallows are such a fun treat and (without even knowing it) you probably already have all the ingredients on hand.  I’ve made two batches here (for comparison), one using my standing mixer and one mixed by […]

September 22, 2012

Homemade Cool Whip


Print the recipe card!  homemade cool whip Get a load of this ultra “cool” recipe, my friends!  This whipped topping is 100% fat free (on top of being rid of all the crap-ola found in store bought Cool Whip), made with all shelf stable ingredients and drum roll please… can (under the right weather conditions) […]

September 7, 2012