Pantry Made Cream Butter

Accompanying recipes, equipment and supplies

The biggest “test” for this Heavy Cream Powder, to me,  was whether or not it could make butter and whether the butter (if it made any) would melt.  I wanted to find out what this stuff was made out of.  The container claims it’s a product with 72% butterfat…pretty unbelievable to me.  Making butter would […]

January 12, 2013

Pantry Made Cream Cheese

Accompanying recipes

Print the recipe card!  pantry made cream cheese It’s all about the ingredients!  Today and again on Friday I’m excited to introduce you to my new favorite pantry friend, Heavy Cream Powder with 72% butterfat.  I hear your brains reeling out there.  For real, did you even know such a product existed??! I heard about […]

January 10, 2013

“Everything” Chinese Noodles

Accompanying recipes, Snacks

Print the recipe page!  everything chinese noodles What a fun recipe!  You’re going to just love this one!  From Lauren Groveman’s Kitchen, these noodles are going to rock your Asian menus in salads, appetizers and main dishes.   Paired with her homemade Duck Sauce (I adapted it here to be pantry friendly) there’s just so many […]

May 19, 2012