Week #6 Winners!

contest time
This week's race absolutely blew me away!!  I've gone to some extra effort on this week's summary because three (yes, 1-2-3) of our participants completely blasted our previous highest weekly score (which was 120 points).  I couldn't just post a winner and leave it at that.  You women are amazing!  Just look at what you're [...]
March 22, 2014

9 Great-Tasting Ultimately Convenient Survival Meals

Pantry Meal

Earlier this week I posted a link on facebook, a first hand account I’d come across of a man’s experience living through the aftermath immediately following Hurricane Katrina.  It was extremely informative and gave me a lot to think about.  (And here’s the link.)   After sharing this, a comment was shared by a woman who […]

March 20, 2014

Week #5 Winners!

contest time

This week’s race was a close one!  Barbara ended up taking it with Amanda only 8 points behind.  We’ll talk about some of the things each of them made this week but first… it’s prize time!

March 15, 2014

A Quick Correction & some Contest Q & A

contest time

Okay, so I totally posted the wrong weekly prize for week #4 in our round up post Saturday. Seriously, I did! You probably all caught it and were worried about me (“what in the world?”).  The worst part is that I didn’t even catch it until Sunday morning.  Now, I do have to tell you […]

March 10, 2014