Pantry Made Scrambled Eggs

Breakfast, Product Review

While we’re all busy this weekend dying Easter eggs, I’m excited to tell you about a truly awesome “egg” of a different sort:  a good scrambled egg product for your food storage!

Anyone who’s tried cooking with whole powdered egg before knows it works fine for baking but never (seriously never) would you consider scrambling them to eat.  That would be gross.  That is, until this product became available (thanks to Honeyville farms)…Ova Easy Eggs!

I tried it on my pickiest eater, the five year old.  This kid would eat scrambled eggs every day if I let him.  Calling him to the table for “scrambled eggs” — just the egg crystals mixed with water — he ate the whole plate and never had a clue they weren’t for real.   I’m going to be stocking up on this product for sure.

Thank you Honeyville!!

Ova Easy Eggs (3)

Ova Easy Eggs (4) Ova Easy Eggs (5)


Ova Easy Eggs (6) Ova Easy Eggs (1)

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10 Replies to “Pantry Made Scrambled Eggs”

  1. Normal powdered eggs work wonderfully for baking & cooking, and since they are significantly less expensive I wouldn’t switch to storing OvaEasy only. Where OvaEasy shine, so much so to justify the additional expense, is when you want to eat EGGS. They make great scrambles, omelets, quiches and fritattas… so we reserve them for those meals 😉

    You *can* make regular powdered eggs *almost* palatable if you must with a combination of sour cream powder, powdered milk, cheese powder and any other meat & veg you can throw in; but the OvaEasy eggs are lovely all by themselves.

  2. I have used these eggs on family camp outs and at home. They are the best eggs ever made. I would recommend them as your food storage eggs. They will last a long time, and are well worth the price. If you go to the web site you can get them cheaper than anywhere I have found.

  3. I am excited to try these! I once made scrambled eggs with whole egg powder, and they were so unpleasant. Have you tried using these egg crystals in any baked goods? Also, have you tried any other products from this company, such as the vegetables or dairy products? Thanks for sharing this great find!

    1. I haven’t yet tried it in a recipe, this is as far as I’ve gotten but I’m very encouraged! As far as Honeyville’s other products I don’t have much of a history with them outside of their grains (and I do love their $5 shipping).

      The only other feedback I can offer (and unfortunately it’s not positive) is regarding their butter powder. It ended up having to be thrown away by my friend (the one who tried eating only food storage) because — in her experience — it was pretty bad.

      Chef Tess ( I believe is their spokesperson/ company chef. On her blog she uses their products a lot if you want to see how she uses them. Many of her recipes look pretty good! Also, I’m waiting for a couple readers I know who are fans of Honeyville to leave comments…hint hint 😉

    2. I have used the ovaeasy eggs for omelets, scrambled eggs, quiche, and for french toast. It is best used for dishes where the egg is the main ingredient. The powdered eggs are much better for baking. I have to promote Augason Farms powdered eggs instead of Honeville’s powdered eggs. AF eggs held baked goods together while Honeyville’s eggs led to a crumbly muffin and cake. I made birthday cakes that just fell apart when I took them out of the pans. But the ovaeasy eggs are really an amazing product. No one in my family ever knows when I use them versus a real egg. But I do recommend Honeyville’s dehydrated and freeze dried fruits and veggies. I use their hashbrowns, celery, diced potatoes, mixed veggies, zucchini, strawberries, blueberries, etc. Their freeze dried meats are top quality too.

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