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	<title>Comments on: Pantry Made Cream Cheese</title>
	<atom:link href="http://myfoodstoragecookbook.com/2013/01/10/pantry-made-cream-cheese/feed/" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" />
	<description>Tried and Tested Food Storage Recipes</description>
	<lastBuildDate>Wed, 05 Mar 2025 23:51:53 +0000</lastBuildDate>
		<title>By: Megan</title>
		<pubDate>Sat, 18 Jul 2015 04:53:21 +0000</pubDate>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">http://myfoodstoragecookbook.com/?p=5342#comment-805</guid>
		<description><![CDATA[My intentions (as far as emergency purposes, and how I&#039;d go about using it if there weren&#039;t refrigeration) would be to use it right away.  I&#039;d make it the night before I&#039;m planning to use it, allow it to drain overnight and use it the next day.  I don&#039;t know, as far as food safety goes, and wouldn&#039;t venture to guess beyond immediate use.  I hope that helps some.  Same goes for the heavy cream powder after it&#039;s rehydrated - it would go right into a recipe.]]></description>
		<content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>My intentions (as far as emergency purposes, and how I&#8217;d go about using it if there weren&#8217;t refrigeration) would be to use it right away.  I&#8217;d make it the night before I&#8217;m planning to use it, allow it to drain overnight and use it the next day.  I don&#8217;t know, as far as food safety goes, and wouldn&#8217;t venture to guess beyond immediate use.  I hope that helps some.  Same goes for the heavy cream powder after it&#8217;s rehydrated &#8211; it would go right into a recipe.</p>
		<title>By: ces</title>
		<pubDate>Sat, 18 Jul 2015 02:54:43 +0000</pubDate>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">http://myfoodstoragecookbook.com/?p=5342#comment-804</guid>
		<description><![CDATA[Just wonder how long this cream cheese sit at room temperature? How long the this heavy cream powder last at room telperature after rehydrated? Thanks :)]]></description>
		<content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Just wonder how long this cream cheese sit at room temperature? How long the this heavy cream powder last at room telperature after rehydrated? Thanks 🙂</p>
		<title>By: Megan</title>
		<pubDate>Sat, 04 Oct 2014 02:45:02 +0000</pubDate>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">http://myfoodstoragecookbook.com/?p=5342#comment-803</guid>
		<description><![CDATA[Haha....that last comment is great :)  That&#039;s fantastic that you&#039;ve gotten yourself on a test and trial schedule!  So glad you&#039;ve liked everything you&#039;ve tried so far!

And yes, the Gossner&#039;s would work beautifully.  I&#039;m jealous, I wish I had that resource close by where I live. Just go with the amount given for liquid in mixing up the powder and you&#039;ll be good!]]></description>
		<content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>Haha&#8230;.that last comment is great 🙂  That&#8217;s fantastic that you&#8217;ve gotten yourself on a test and trial schedule!  So glad you&#8217;ve liked everything you&#8217;ve tried so far!</p>
<p>And yes, the Gossner&#8217;s would work beautifully.  I&#8217;m jealous, I wish I had that resource close by where I live. Just go with the amount given for liquid in mixing up the powder and you&#8217;ll be good!</p>
		<title>By: Ashley</title>
		<pubDate>Sat, 04 Oct 2014 00:34:29 +0000</pubDate>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">http://myfoodstoragecookbook.com/?p=5342#comment-802</guid>
		<description><![CDATA[I just stumbled upon your blog and LOVE everything about it! I am currently working my way through all of your recipes my family may enjoy. Homemade ricotta for lasagna was a huge hit and so easy. We&#039;ll be having the leftovers in manicotti tonight.

Question regarding cream cheese at is the next item I am going to try pantry style...do you think this recipe would work with the shelf stable cream from Gossner&#039;s? I live very close to their factory and will be purchasing a case soon. 

Thanks for helping us learn how to not eat wheat and beans &#038; beans and wheat in an emergency ;)]]></description>
		<content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>I just stumbled upon your blog and LOVE everything about it! I am currently working my way through all of your recipes my family may enjoy. Homemade ricotta for lasagna was a huge hit and so easy. We&#8217;ll be having the leftovers in manicotti tonight.</p>
<p>Question regarding cream cheese at is the next item I am going to try pantry style&#8230;do you think this recipe would work with the shelf stable cream from Gossner&#8217;s? I live very close to their factory and will be purchasing a case soon. </p>
<p>Thanks for helping us learn how to not eat wheat and beans &amp; beans and wheat in an emergency 😉</p>